We're always looking for more great people to join our team. Work remotely from wherever you are in the world. You'll work with a diverse group of bright and passionate folks committed to fostering internet freedom worldwide.

Häzirki boş iş ýerleri

Häzirki wagtda resmi açyk wezipelerimiz ýok. Soňrak barlaň!

Öňki boş ýerler

  • Android Developer
  • Backend Engineer for OONI
  • Bookkeeper-Payroll Specialist
  • Bookkeeper-Payroll Specialist
  • Brand Designer
  • Browser Developer
  • Browser Developer
  • Browser Software Engineer (Contractor)
  • Call for Applications: Board of Directors
  • Developer Data Architect
  • Director of Engineering
  • Director of Strategic Communications
  • Education and Communities Coordinator
  • Executive Assistant
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Grants Coordinator
  • Individual Giving Manager
  • Metrics Data Architect
  • Network Health Engineer
  • Onion Services Site Reliability Engineer
  • Product Designer
  • Project Manager
  • Recruiting Coordinator (Contract)
  • Rust Developer, Network Team
  • Senior System Administrator
  • Shadow Simulation Developer
  • Software Developer for Anti-Censorship Team
  • Software Developer for Anti-Censorship Team
  • Software Developer, Rust
  • Software Engineer (C Developer)
  • Software Engineers for Applications Team
  • Software Engineers for Applications Team
  • System Administrator
  • Systems Administrator
  • User Research Coordinator
  • User Support Specialist

Sanawda bolmadyk ýagdaýda bize kömek edip bilersiňiz diýip pikir edýäňizmi? Meýletin gatnaşyjylaryň uly jemgyýetinden goldaw alýarys we meýletinçi bolup başlaýan we ahyrynda hünärmen işgärlerimiz bolýan köp adam bar. Nädip goşant goşup biljekdigiňizi öwrenmek üçin IRC söhbetdeşliklerimize garaşýarys.